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Rabu, 21 September 2011

pidato inggris nature exploitation

First of all, let’s thanks to Allah Subhanahuwata’ala, for everything that He has given us. Shalawatsalam may always be given to our Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihiwasalam, also his family, his friends, and also for us as his followers till the end of the world.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As Khalifah or the leader in the earth, we have the big duty for saving the earth, our environment. But recent time, nature resource exploitation happened without good to manage. So, it’s obvious if nature resource exploitation cause environmental damage.
Each people needs at least 10 liters water a day and 10 tons oxygen a year. It’s mean that, each people must plant at least 60 till 80 trees. If people just ask for free and never thanks to god, disaster or climate change can occur.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let’s save our beloved earth from disaster, like flood, erosion, climate change, and global warming. Let’s save our forest from illegal logging. Think for global importance, not for self-importance.
Thank you very much for your attention. I’m so sorry if there is many mistakes in my speech.

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